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Edited Books
Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui, Ch’ixinakax utxiwa: Eine Reflexion über Praktiken und Diskurse der Dekolonisierung, co-edited with Sebastian Garbe and María Cárdenas. Münster: Unrast Verlag (2018).
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
“Subsidios y Moratorias: Cómo Avanzar Hacia un Ecologismo Popular,” co-authored by Geografía Crítica Ecuador, Comunálisis and YASunidxs. CLACSO: Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (2024).
“Ontological Conflicts in the Plurinational State: The Case of Indigenous Resistance against the Mirador Mega-Mining Project in Ecuador,” co-authored with Michelle Báez, in Society & Natural Resources, 1-18 (2023).
“Weaving the Spiderweb: Mujeres Amazónicas and the Design of Anti-Extractive Politics in Ecuador,” in Studies in Social Justice, Special Issue “Women in Movement and Feminisms: Critical Materialisms and Environmentalisms,” 17(2), 204-221 (2023).
“La Selva Viviente como Selva Política: Prácticas de Hacer-Selva en la Lucha de las Mujeres Amazónicas en Ecuador,” in Antropologías del Sur, Dossier Temático “Transformaciones Locales para un Cambio Global” (2022).
“Fighting the Planetary Mine: The Frente Nacional Anti-Minero in Ecuador,” in Property Will Cost Us the Earth. Direct Action and the Future of the Global Climate Movement, Verso Reports series, introduced by Andreas Malm and edited by Jessie Kindig. London: Verso Books (2022).
“Sustaining the Struggle, Taking Over the Space: Amazonian Women and the Indigenous Movement in Ecuador,” in The Palgrave Handbook on Critical Race And Gender Studies, eds. Shirley-Anne Tate and Encarnación Gutiérrez-Rodriguez. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan (2022).
“La Defensa Territorial más allá de la Resistencia: Mujeres Amazónicas Tejiendo Rexistencia en Ecuador,” in Etnicidades en disputa: nuevos caminos, nuevos desafíos, edited by Encarnación Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, Sebastian Garbe, Andrea Silva-Tapia, Andrea Sempértegui and María Cárdenas. Revista Iberoamericana 20(75), 227-232 (2020).
“Decolonizing the Anti-extractive Struggle: Amazonian Women’s Practices of Forest-Making in Ecuador,” in Journal of International Women’s Studies, 21(7), 118-134 (2020).
"Indigenous Women’s Activism, Ecofeminism, and Extractivism: Partial Connections in the Ecuadorian Amazon," in Politics & Gender, 1-28 (2019).
”Reflexionen über die Minga aus den Anden: Praktiken der Partizipation in Gemeinschaft,” co-authored with Kuymi Tambaco in Wissenschaft und Frieden (W&F) (2019).
“Dialogues of Indigenous Afro-Latinxs (Re)existence: Possible Decolonialities,” co-authored with Katucha Bento, Heriberto Ruiz Ponce and Louis Di Paolo, in (2019).
Review of Sebastian Garbe, Weaving Solidarity. Decolonial Perspectives on Transnational Advocacy of and with the Mapuche (Transcript Verlag, 2022) in Alternautas 9 (1) (2022).
Review of Teresa Velásquez, Pachamama Politics: Campesino Water Defenders and the Anti-Mining Movement in Ecuador (Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 2022) in NACLA (2022).
Review of Silvia Federici, Revolución en Punto Cero. Trabajo Doméstico, Reproducción y Luchas Feministas (Madrid: Traficantes de Sueños, 2013) in Argumenta Philosophica Vol. 2 (2018).
"Cosmopolitics among Entangled Worlds: Indigenous Politics in the Highlands of Peru," review of Marisol de la Cadena, Earth Beings: Ecologies of Practice Across Andean Worlds (Durham: Duke University Press, 2015) in KULT_online50 (2017).
Blog Posts and Journalistic Publications
“Ecuador’s Historic Strike,” in The New York Review of Books (October, 2022).
“La Fiebre de Oro Supera la Fiebre de Covid-19,” co-authored with Romano Paganini, in (May, 2020).
“Ecuador: Covid-19, Temblor y Abismos,” in Latin American Perspectives Blog (April, 2020).
“La Violencia, de la Cual no se Habla,” in (October, 2019).
Frente Nacional Anti-Minero, “We Are of the Earth—A Manifesto,” in Property Will Cost Us the Earth. Direct Action and the Future of the Global Climate Movement, Verso Reports series, introduced by Andreas Malm and edited by Jessie Kindig. London: Verso Books (2022).
Verónica Gago, “Mutant Neoliberalism, Originary Violence and Feminist Revolts in Latin America” (translated by William Callison and Andrea Sempértegui), Law and Political Economy Blog, Symposium on the Book Mutant Neoliberalism Market Rule and Political Ruptures (2020).
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